Insomnia, Query Letter, and Car Dancing

Hello there! It's 2:50a.m.! I had too much diet coke before bedtime. Or it's the decongestants. My three cats (like my three sons)are sprawled out on various places on my couch.I am so jealous! Anyhoo,sleeplessness is a good excuse to write, anyway. I am sending a query letter to ByLine Magazine to see if they were interested in a column entitled The Writing Librarian. It would be a book-blog-cd-website review column for writers. I hope the editor likes the idea. It would be a good sideline gig besides my library gig. If not, I'll just try a new mag. Since it's been awhile since I perused through my Adventures with Greenie manuscript (admittedly, it's only 19 pages, but you have to start somewhere.) I thought of a new chapter to add to the mix: car dancing! First, let's use the dictionary to define car dancing. Click on Google, type in car and definition and here's what comes up! Thanks to the American Heritage Dictionary Online, here's an exciting definition of car (as in Greenie): Car: n. An automobile. And here's a definition of dancing, again using the same source online: Dancing: v. to bob up and down. I checked to see if there was an actual definition online and did not see one. So I drafted my own. From the Lolo Dictionary: Car Dancing: v. To bob up and down in an automobile. Now that we have established the definition, fess up. You've done it. Yup. Your favorite song to engage in car dancing. You're bobbing up and down, singing along, even at the stoplight. And then it's the booger effect: you think no one is watching. But they are. And most likely, they are giggling. So, what are your favorite car tunes to car dance to? If you like I will publish them in my Greenie Book. Now I'm finally getting sleepy. Time for bed. Love, Lolo


Anonymous said…
Roll with the changes is always good to jam to in the car. Especially with all the drum solo's and such!

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