Reading my Vent on Grief

Well, it's been a good, hard, productive week. A trying Friday, though. I'm tired. I painted today and still have green acrylic paint on my hands. If you ever get a chance, paint with acrylics without brushes. It's like fingerpainting for adults. There's much more feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. And I do want to pass on a message for those who are experiencing grief... and those who have friends or family who have lost a loved one... There is no timetable for grief and getting over someone (which actually, you never do). Do not let anyone impose a time limit on you to "get back to normal", especially if these are your first days, first holidays, first months, first year... you find out your support system and learn to find yourself quickly during this process. (Because grief is also a solitary experience.) People who are grieving want to move forward JUST AS MUCH as people who are not. Even more so since they are in pain. And there are the supporters, the people in your corner, who will be there during your moments of pure sadness, anger, and frustration and will allow you to be who you are without making judgment statements. There are proven documented stages of grief. If you are a family member or friend, please do not judge them or call them out if they are not skipping and prancing for joy!(This happened to me recently and it made me FURIOUS.) Yes, people who are grieving will complain more than people who do not. I have been told (by a professional) that grief is a very dark and negative time and that it's understandable. Give us a break. We're trying to get through every day and holidays are twice as hard. Thank you for reading my vent.


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