Sushi and Star Trek, Oh My!

I got my geek on last night and liked it! Steve purchased tickets to the premiere Star Trek movie a couple of weeks ago. He even lured me to Movies 14 with sushi and seaweed salad. (Actually, I was leaving for the theater right after work and he made sure I had dinner before the film. Probably so I wouldn't gnaw on his arm during the movie. But he's kind, he does that stuff for me all the time.) We arrived early to make sure we had back row seats so there was no chance of chair kicking. The movie wowed both of us. Loved the story line--especially the dramatic opening scene which I will not spoil for you here. It was cool to see the formative years of the two main characters of the film: Captain Kirk and Spock. The music composition (plus a Beastie Boys song--a bonus!) enhanced the movie well. The original score was used in the latter part. The actor, Zachary Quinto, who played Spock (who also plays Sylar in Heroes) convinced me he was Spock and not evil Sylar. I was concerned about the typecasting, but he proved me wrong. Chris Pine, who played Captain Kirk, had the voice like Christan Slater and the bad-boy attitude like James Dean. He convinced me as well. Be on the lookout for guest stars. In my opinion, Star Trek also appealed to mainstream audiences for two reasons: to ensure success and to lure the non-trekker into the wonderful world of Star Trek. Live long and prosper...and enjoy the ride.


Anonymous said…
Glad you had a fun night!-Theresa
Cynth'ya said…
Shatner, move over! (Gotta see this now as I had NO interest in the movie promos at all. Kenny is a Star Trek fiend! Of course I'm into Steel Magnolias and other chick flicks and such (LOL). But a friend who cares never steers another friend wrong, especially when movies cost about the price of a lazy boy lounger these days! (EEGADS....)

Appreciate this wonderful blog and critique...will pass on the sushi! Hope you and Steve have a splendid weekend lolo! love,

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