Tuesday Afternoon

Beautiful Tuesday afternoon. Like the Moody Blues song. Billy Idol's White Wedding blasted in the kitchen at Le Peep's today for lunch. I'm literally sitting in the worst seat in the house (there's a sign at Le Peep's) but it's worth it to hang out with my favorite waiter, B. He's a really nice young man. Met him while I was reading Waiter Rant. Possibly fatigued from working late Monday and working out for over an hour. I'm trying to get healthy, walk the grief out, and in good physical condition for the summer, my class reunion, and my next California visit this fall. I forgot to mention that I had a good weekend, working a library furniture sale and then to a benefit/auction called The Sunshine Kids. It's a benefit that helps kids with cancer. It was a silent and live auction. I never saw an auctioneer before. I purchased an awesome gift for A.


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