Random Friday Musings

TGIF! It's been a good week, but a long one. I've been busy getting my checking account and credit card account straightened out. Stupid Phishers! Well, I learned that a reliable website will not email you an obnoxious email that requires you to put in information... there's a nasty EBay phishing scam going around... so please be careful online. I've taken my fifth class in Tae Kwon Do and I love it! I'm preparing for the next level, which is a yellow belt. (Right now I'm a white belt.) I've been listening to the new Muppet Movie Soundtrack(with Ashanti)and there's nothing that is more soothing than singing the Rainbow Connection with Kermit the Frog while driving among silly drivers. Here's some books I've been reading: Three Weeks With My Brother by Nicholas and Micha Sparks. It's a grand autobiography about the travels and lives of two brothers growing up in a poor family.It's sad but inspiring at the same time. I did not know Nicholas Sparks earned a black belt in Tae Kwon Do! The author also spoke about his writing process--he did it to work through the hard times in his life. I'm also reading Good Poems for Hard Times ,selected and illustrated by Garrison Keillor. I'll end this blog by quoting from Keillor's eloquent introduction: "The meaning of poetry is to give courage. A poem is not a puzzle that you the dutiful reader is obliged to solve. It is meant to poke you, get you to buck up, pay attention, rise and shine, look alive, get a grip, get the picture, pull up your socks, wake up and die right." -Garrison Keillor


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