Insomnia, Coffee Spillage, Morning Musings, and Snuffling

Hello there, It's interesting that it is 6:47a.m. and still dark outside. I'm drinking yummy decaf cawfee in hopes to fall back asleep. Had one of those nights tossing and turning and thinking... dangerous. So instead of being the thrashing queen, I haul myself out of warm bed and start doing stuff. Putting money in the checkbook, finding out bills that need to be paid (Yikes!), sending off emails, trimming the FAT (File, Act, Toss. Something I learned in clutter control class. Yes, I've attended one of those classes). Hmmmm, I'm starting to see the wood again on my dining room table. It's a pretty color. Cannot type and slurp coffee at same time. Last remnants of coffee dribble down left side of pink cat's pajamas. A-ha! This is why I switched to warm diet coke in bottles with CAPS on it. Drifted back into kitchen, wiped off stain and grabbed corn bread muffin from kitchen. Thank you, Mom! (She made those for us a couple days ago. Now the poor woman is stricken with pneumonia. Please send her warm wishes for a quick recovery). I'm recovering... the bread cover is done and not half-bad. Now I need to drive to the craft place to have another fun, quiet, still project (still too ouchy to read.) I'm very sniffly and snuffly. I cannot wait to blow my nose. (You'll sleep better tonight,knowing that, won't you?) First they starve me before surgery and then they won't let me have the simple relief of blowing my nose afterwards. So I snuffle. And sneeze. And snuffle. It's gross. (Snuffle) It is starting to look like morning outside. And I'm finally getting sleepy. So it's time for me to try to rest. (Snuffle)Thanks for reading! More later. (Snuffle) Love, Lolo xox (snuffle)o


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