Midwest Writer's Conference and Muse Cats

(Latte Relaxing-SJS 2008)
(Java on the Porch-SJS 2008)

(Alien Jack--SJS 2008)

I did it. Now I have to go through with it. I registered for the Midwest Writer's Conference in Muncie, IN (Ball State University) and signed up for a ten minute interview with an agent. So exciting! I'm actually taking steps to go through with it. One of my dear friends will be taking the red pen to my manuscript beforehand(eek!). Thanks to dear Steve for encouraging me to go (he's going with me). Enclosed please find photos of the muse cats--one of many sources of inspiration. Photographs courtesy of Steve. Have a great weekend!


Anonymous said…
Be sure to call when you get to Muncie Lolo! And bring extra bandages for the bleeding manuscripts! (smile)...ouch...(smile)...ouch!

Anonymous said…
Steve is just there to ride your coattails, like Joan Parker and Tabitha King, and life off your sone-to-be 6 figure income. :-)

Good luck!

Anonymous said…
Can't wait to say I knew you when and show everyone some of your earlier works.

Love you


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