Saturday RAT Live, Conga Chick Crashes Church, and a Stroll Down Miami Street

(RAT Playing Guitar LCS 2008)
(RAT on Drums LCS 2008)
On Saturday, Steve and I visited friends, feasted on snacks and treats, drank lovely coffee, and played Rock Band. We actually closed out the soiree. We also brought RAT with us and she played pretty well. :)
On Sunday, the new music director didn't realize I was playing with the folk music and guitars, so I surprised him as he saw the conga drums. Luckily, it was a pleasant surprise and a fun service. It was great to perform again and he welcomed me back.
(The third part of this blog I actually wrote on a napkin while lunching at Cira's).
I usually bring a journal but forgot today. Actually writing on a napkin makes it more creative for me. I visited my old stomping grounds at the Tutt Branch Library today, as I am helping with closing and renovation. I passed the salon where S. used to have her salon and Buffy the cat used to greet me. One of the stylists is the owner now. I stopped in and saw him. We chatted for awhile. I walked to Cira's where H. greeted me at the door with a hug. She remembered my house, Steve, and our wedding day! I also saw V. He hugged me too! It's nice to reconnect with them again. They were a part of my formative years at the library. It turned out to be a nice afternoon after a sleepy, groggy morning under the concrete wintry sky.


VikingMoose said…
ach ja. rrorro. rrama rrok starr.
Undeadhost said…
I've done a lot of my best writing on restaurant napkins!
Anonymous said…
i love Cira's it was my stomping grounds once too!

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