The Help

With the exception of the Club LaSalle show (I guess show is the updated term for gig, but a gig is a gig), I've been pretty much holed up at home with prednisone and other meds. It's the annual winter cootiefest for me, perhaps my body's way of saying "Slow Down." And I need to listen, because I'd much rather be hanging out with cool people at my cool library digs than sleeping at home. Seriously. I've been trying not to do too much and overdo it. But I did address a few packages to friends (still on my 29 days of giving) and still have more to do. I'm doing more collages using my friend J's technique of weaving the recycled items and thinking about what I'm making and why. He said that's what makes it art: the fact that you are thinking about it. Good advice. I also finished a book called The Help by Kathryn Stockett. I highly recommend it. The story takes place in Jackson, Mississippi from 1963-1964. The story is about relationships between maids and housewives, but there's so many layers within the book. It's been on the New York Times Bestseller List for awhile, so in a sense I am doing reader's advisory at home. Yes, it's number one on the list. I hope there is a sequel: I am interested in reading more about the characters. One more day of rest and then back to libraryland. I'm looking forward to seeing if people have read this book and their reactions. Anyhow, I need to start another book soon.


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