Weekend Updates and Duck Love

It's Wednesday already. Here are more details about the weekend. We had a great rehearsal on Saturday morning. I'm confident that the 24th will be a good show at the Box Factory. After rehearsal, Steve and I drove up to Chicago to see family. One of my cousins had a milestone birthday. Awesome! Then we went out with family and stayed overnight. Steve and I love Chicago. We could possibly live here someday, although my heart rests on a surfboard in the Pacific Ocean (San Diego, baby.) Sunday we drove home and saw the fur children. Then I worked out in the garden for a long time. The wildflower garden is going to be beautiful. It's divided up into three sections, just like a story. :) The neat thing was that a duck couple I named Max and Erma hung out in our yard. And Erma hung out quietly, serenely in our tiny pond while I was working. I haven't seen Erma or Max since Sunday, so I am guessing they are in a little duck nest somewhere. I was hoping we would have duckings in our backyard, but there are predators (possums and raccoons), so perhaps it was meant to be.


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