Spoiling a Family Happy this Christmas

I am struggling with my inner Grinch again. I sneered at jukeboxes playing Christmas songs, jeered at celebrities lip-synching with Santa at Rockefeller Plaza, and smeared my eyeliner crying when Feliz Navidad (my deceased mother's favorite Christmas song) played on the radio tonight.

But after watching a segment on homelessness on NBC, and conferring with Steve tonight,I decided to grow my heart from two sizes too small to as big as it can get. We decided to sign up on the St. Vincent de Paul website to adopt a family, and spoil a family happy this Christmas. And by giving a couple kids and their parents a lovely Christmas this season, the void in my heart can continue to heal. I am tearing up thinking about making someone's holiday happier.

If you are ever interested in adopting a family, here is the website: http://www.svdpsb.org/Christmas_Pgm%202012.html


Tara Holmes said…
How lovely, Lori! Did you happen to see the picture that's going around FB of the NYC cop who encountered a homeless man on the streets without shoes? If you can google the story, it's very inspiring, too. I think God (or whom or whatever you believe is out there) plants those seeds of bah-humbug sometimes so they can be followed up with this kind of "ah ha" moment for us. I think you're swell, btw ;) (((hugs)))

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