Poetic Weekend

(Photograph courtesy of Kay Westhues.)

I know it's Wednesday, but wanted to write and share about this weekend. On Sunday, I attended a poetry group meeting for the first time and met new poets and artists. We swilled wine, ate cheese, and read our own poems, and poems by a few favorites, including Robert Frost, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and Richard Brautigan. It's nice to delve into poetry for awhile.

The poetic Sunday spilled over to Monday, which was Martin Luther King Jr's. birthday. There were celebrations all around town. J. asked me to participate with the poetry reading at a space for gatherings and conventions called The Century Center. I didn't know that the poetry reading would took place in the large open space. There were booths and people were walking around. As I glanced upstairs, there were people lined up around the balcony and watching from above. My legs were bit wobbly and my throat tightened. It's been awhile since performing in front of a large crowd. What happened? I wonder. I used to love performing in front of large groups, and it was disconcerting at how nervous I was. Perhaps because becoming a character is easier than presenting as myself.

I purchased a book from one of my favorite local poets. Her name is Zorina Frey. The book is called Sticks & Stones: Conquering Haters...withe Poetry. I love her style of presentation, and she inspires me to jazz up my style a little more.

Have a good week... and stay warm!


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