Happy Sunday Night

Hello, Hope you are well! I'm gearing up for RetroFest, which is on the 25th from 1-5p.m. I need more time! Eek! Actually, it'll be just fine. We'll be celebrating the 1950's this year. This weekend flew by quickly. I had coffee talk with a friend and played library most of the weekend. I also attended a fabulous church service this morning. Pastor Miller rocks. Afterwards, I nibbled on lunch and visited my favorite garden store. I purchased black-eyed susans, coneflowers, and three raspberry bushes. There were some raspberries still on the bushes. Mmm. I would love to plant a vegetable garden next year. Even if I have a hairy garden, at least it will be herb and veggie producing. Red tomatos still grow on the vine. I'll definitely have more next year. Fresh food is so expensive! Bookwise, I finished Facets by Barbara Delinsky. An interesting read about a family business, and in this particular case, the dysfunction and drama that goes with it. Add in a few gems, scandal, and an evil stepbrother, and there you go. I finally broke down and perused Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich. Stephanie Plum is at it again and she is dangerous with a staple gun. It is a riot so far! Have a great week! Love, Lolo


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