I Decorated a Fru- Fru Tree One Sunday Afternoon

I drove home to see my folks and to decorate the toilet-brush (artificial) tree in the living room. It's a green tree in a white room with cream curtains, old family photographs, china, and cool antique furniture. I call it the fru-fru (short for frilly) room. Dad, who is well, a guy, looks kind of funny in the fru-fru room, especially when he ties the pretty gold bow at the top of the fru-fru tree in the fru-fru room because he is the tallest. He is also a bit fru-fru himself living with all the estrogen (one wife and two daughters) all these years.
Mom is doing spring cleaning and authentic fake house since family and friends are visiting more often. She gave me our Claddaugh cake topper, the mesh part of the veil (the part one of the male party guests sported during the wild reception), old wedding invitations, copies of the wedding program, and the folder of the entire planning of the Caskey-Sigety wedding/reception over 10 years ago. Wow. I remember just showing up and dressing up. My Mom and sister planned just about everything for me. I am so fortunate to have my family and friends in my life.