Skates, Cards, and Toes

Good Afternoon,
It's been a fun weekend so far. After playing library on Friday, I munched on my veggie sub, grabbed my trusty ice skates, and visited the rink down the street. I glided around the rink for about 40 minutes, managing to do frontward and backward crossovers, but could not perform a lot of tricks because the ice was extremely choppy. (Plus I do not want to risk an injury before taekwondo testing.)
Afterwards, Steve and I visited friends and stayed until after midnight. I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow and woke up about nine a.m. My sleep is improving greatly.
This morning I attended taekwondo, visited The Crystal Connection (my favorite crystal store) and had my tarot cards read (for $5.00) by an old college friend.
I was able to ask one question. I asked if my book (one of many I have started!) will be written. The cards showed me that the great American novel will NOT be completed/published/on the market in six months. Fair enough. I need to put my writing projects on the shelf and let the ideas percolate.
Tomorrow I will spend time with another friend and possibly treat ourselves to a pedicure.
Can't deal with the tarot cards yet what I know for myself is my faith in the almighty God put a creative spirit in all of us, with free will ( to make things come to pass that are totally within our control, as long as we honor the Giver of Life and Creativity. So get off your butt and start writing! (SMILE)...that's sistah to sistah author to author tough love that I tell myself everyday.
Much love, enjoyed this.