
Today I was blown away by the kindnesses of administrators, colleagues, coordinators, patrons, staff, and volunteers @ SJCPL. I knew there was a good-bye party/reception at the branch. My staff always throws a potluck with class and elegance, but this one took the proverbial cake (or should I say, cheesecake cupcakes and so much more!) Around 11 o'clock, staff called me out of the office and led me into the community meeting room. The tables, decorated with yellow and cream tablecloths, contained beverages, flowers, food, and other swag. A beautiful message was inscribed on the board drawn with flowers: Lori, Write, write, write and remember us when the royalties come in! We'll miss your wonderful sense of fun! There were beautiful flowers for my memory garden. There were cards. There was a gift certificate. And this surprise totally rocked the house: a memory album created by friends across the library system-- for me. I actually brought a little journal for people to write their memories and my staff said this is what it is and pointed to a gorgeous album. And I opened the album. And I caught my breath. And I started to choke up. And then people started coming in, despite the heavy rain, storms, and tight schedules. Others who couldn't attend sent cards or emails. The soiree lasted from 11-3. Accolades, food, hugs, memories, photographs, And it was a beautiful afternoon, even with the heavy rain and thunder. The clouds parted and an overcast sky greeted me while driving home. I will never forget today. I am humbled.


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