Steve, my husband, is the sweetest human being. He surprised me with the silliest and most touching surprise this evening. Here's the
purrfect story. We started the day spending breakfast with a mentor and friend. After breakfast, we returned home and relaxed. This afternoon we delivered a bottle of domestic red wine (Oliver) to our snow angels, who in return gave us a bottle of red wine by the same vintner. Hilarious! We both have similar tastes. We reveled in the fact that was a good way to support Indiana businesses. Cheers!
After arriving home. we watched an episode of
Torchwood, which ironically happened to be a Christmas episode. After contacting family, I started feeling nostalgic and thinking about my mother. Shaking off the nostalgia like a frosty chill, I meandered into the kitchen and started heating up pizza for our Christmas Eve dinner. I was pouring a bit of
Spumante when I heard the shaking of some kind of bells. Steve bounded into the kitchen and yelled, "Hey, did you hear something? I thought I heard something at the door!"
I jumped so high I almost dropped the bottle. "You scared me! What is going on?"
Steve was smiling. "Sorry to startle you. Come on! Someone paid us a visit!" He takes my hand and leads me into the living room. He points at our tiny live tree resting above the bookshelf. "Presents!"
"Steve!" I exclaimed. "I thought we weren't going to exchange gifts this year." Steve smiled.
"We aren't! Santa visited." Steve handed me a few gifts and had one for himself. "Open them!"
I look at the label on top of the presents. There was a color photo of a cat that said "To: Lori. From: Santa Claws."
"Santa Claws paid us a visit!" Steve said. Despite my sadness, I could not help but smile.
I opened the packages.
Now Write: Nonfiction, Telling True Stories, and
Doctor Who: The Writer's Tale: The Final Chapter. Steve then opened his package: a Hammer Horror Film.
Steve's act of random silliness in order to lift my spirits overwhelmed me. Of course, I started to cry and hugged him. The little kindnesses Steve does each day, especially on the more difficult days, are exactly why I have been married to him for over 13 years.