Labor Day Weekend: Library, Gaming, Rock Band, and Kayaking

Isn't it interesting how a simple, one-line post on social media can inspire a person to write more about it on a blog? Yes, that is what I am doing now. Why reinvent the proverbial wheel, right? Or perhaps it is lazy blogging. At least I'm blogging here again!

So, how did you spend your Labor Day weekend? I stayed home on Thursday and Friday due to a nasty respiratory infection. I pushed myself on Wednesday and paid for it later. Fortunately, I was well enough to hang out with friends at Sunny's Korean Restaurant with Steve and some of our friends. We took over the outdoor patio and had a great time.

Saturday, Steve and I drove to my 'bary at Middlebury and facilitated our first D&D game since May. We had a lot of people (about 20, if you include parents and grandparents who dropped off and picked up the kids). I was happy to see that we had three GMs (Gaming Masters). The three-hour event ran smoothly.

Saturday night, Steve and I spent the evening with friends. We hung out with puppies, doggies, and humans. We also played Rock Band until about 2 a.m. (I am still sore from rocking out on the drums.)

Sunday afternoon/evening and Monday we ventured to the lake and visited family. The photo above is Russ Forest. (Steve and I always pass Russ Forest on the way to and from the lake.) I was able to venture out on the kayak in-between the rain. (I want to invest in a canoe--I love being on the water with a notebook, a pen, and my thoughts.) Something I need to remember is to take a water-proof camera phone with me when I'm canoeing or kayaking. There's no way I trust myself with my android around water.

After we arrived home, I attempted to work out at the gym, but they closed at 3 p.m. (Boo!) So, I walked around the 'hood before the rain started up again. This evening, I have been writing. After this current word drought, it's nice to be back.

Hope you enjoyed a fun weekend! I will be wearing my walking shoes tomorrow, for sure, since the library will be sure to be busy.
Have a good week!


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