Goodbye, Greenie
Greenie the Green Clover Honda Civic
I knew Greenie's days with me were limited, but I didn't know exactly when.
It occurred last week, during a huff of snow and the everlasting cold snap of third winter this season.
After the last oil change (February or late January?) I knew that Greenie's brakes would need to be replaced.
About two weeks prior to taking her to the car hospital, I noticed a grinding sound when I pressed on the
Finally, grudgingly, I took her in. I knew it was going to be expensive.
Ironically, Matt, the person who was there when I bought Greenie in 2002 and who consoled me when I put diesel fuel in her
car, returned to the dealership recently and broke the new about the extensive damage to Greenie.
So, I traded her in and purchased a new-to-me car. Just like that.
I'm supposed to be super excited and happy, and a part of me is...
but I've been sad and grieving all week for this messy, reliable, tired-but-reliable ride.
It's like losing a dear friend. She kept me safe all these years.
Greenie is a metaphorical and physical manifestation of change.
I'll miss the scratches from hauling drums from gigs to gigs. I remember the times we drove to Indy and back for library school,
and even survived a tornado once.
I miss my CD player.
I miss the muscle memory of knowing exactly how she works and how she runs and how to park.
RIP, Greenie.
Thank you for almost 17 years.
I will miss you.
I already do.