The Last Day of November
Whelp, December's here. Except for the youngest cat Leo nosediving into my lunch, it's been a relatively quiet day here at chez Sigety. I ventured out and ran a few errands (I won't bore you with domestic details because nothing exploded or scorched. :))
Back in the office, I signed a contract to teach two speech classes in the spring at IU South Bend, spent some time answering emails and grading. I also mustered up the courage and sent a writing pitch for a gaming website called Gnome Stew, also expressing interest in guest blogging more frequently. We will see what happens. It is a first step towards yes. I co-wrote an article with one of the editors back in 2016 when I was working in public libraries, so that is an advantage.
Freelancing is an adventure, for sure! I have scored a few researching and writing projects through a website called UpWork. Interestingly, when clients approach me, I usually land the contract. It is much harder to approach them and bid for a job because of the competitiveness. For some reason, the written pitch is more awkward, but I interview fairly well. It's also been a challenge to know what exactly the client wants once I land the gig. I had one client abruptly end a contract today when I inquired if she needed more resources. It's times like this when I wonder if I am meant to freelance and then I spend valuable time fighting the negative voice that taunts "You're not good enough." I have spent most of my life fighting that voice. Imposter syndrome is real.
Anyhow, it is good to have a few solid clients now, although I will be searching for more gigs for sustainability. I am anticipating that will come with patience, practice, and time. No time like the present. Doing it now.