February: The Month of Quiet Whispers

So many good things are happening and it is only Tuesday! I think it will carry me through this week. On Sunday, my dear sister-friend Shayna and I scheduled a professional photo-shoot because I wanted an author photo for the poetry book. (It's in process-I'm nudging Steve to finish the layout so we can launch it before April.) Also, I wanted a fun photo shoot for the 50th year of being alive. It's been a poignant year. So much has changed and is changing in the last year and almost 5 months. (Soberversary is on the 17th.) The photos show that I am beginning to understand the concept of serenity. There is evidence of letting go and being joyful and playful again.  Enlightenment hasn't come in the form of a huge a-ha moment. It's been happening in quiet whispers. So, I continue to listen for goodness in the form of quiet whispers. It's there, and I'm learning not to be afraid of experiencing joy. 

Photos below are courtesy of Shayna Breslin. She is my go-to for professional and fun photo sessions!


Anonymous said…
Ohh Lori! What a strong, and tender spirit and express yourself so beautifully! You are; a beautiful sprite, with the depth and strength of spirit of a very old soul; the soul of a very old wise woman, a combined with the playfulness of a fairy sprite. You are so amazing; so full of love. It’s your extreme sensitivity that allows you to express your poetry so beautifully. You are
Such a precious being, and I’m grateful you share yourself with us! Can’t wait for your book!!! We need to host a book launch party!!!❤️❤️❤️
Marci ullery said…
This is Marci! I am not anonymous!!!
Shayna Cayley said…
It was a joy photographing you, I second Marci's proposal for a launch party and if you are interested we could rent my apartment complex clubhouse.
Anonymous said…
First, I love you two amazing women! Second, I would be honored to schedule a launch party!!!! Thank you!

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