

Happy 123123! 

Someone wrote that to me, so I thought it to be appropriate to add it to the post. So far, it's been a weird day: car battery most likely dead in the street and both Steve and I are home with respiratory illnesses, so we postponed our NYE plans so we don't share the crud. I'm grateful that Steve is here to with me to celebrate in a quieter way. The jury's out whether I make it to midnight. 

It could be so much worse, and I'm trying to be grateful. Some days are definitely easier than others, but practicing  daily gratitude makes it easier to manage the tougher ones.  

My word for 2023 is/was acceptance. That was appropriate for this year. Acceptance is defined as "a person's assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (after a negative or uncomfortable situation) that is a fait accompli without attempts to change it or protest it. (Dictionary.com)  

Overall, I've been okay. I'm taking life 24 hours at a time, so making a hasty generalization about whether a year is good or otherwise doesn't make sense to me anymore. Life is hard, and as I have the privilege of aging, there are great days, good days, sad days, and tough days. I don't feel right using the word bad, either, because as long as I am above ground (and especially not in a hospital room) it's not a bad day. 

I've lost too many loved ones this year. I've started losing count. I'm heartbroken they are no longer on Earth, but I'm confident we will meet again. That keeps me moving forward that all of this, this beautiful, bittersweet life is transient, so process the grief and keep moving forward.  

This beautiful, bittersweet life is like a dance: 1,2,3...1,2,3...

I hope you all have a calm and peaceful evening. Please be safe and I'm planning on writing a lot more in 2024. Much Love. 


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