Adventures with Greenie and Kumi!

It's been a fun weekend. On Friday, we hosted story hour at the North Liberty Branch! We had a lot of silly fun! I also went to Tae Kwon Do and officially signed up. I'm a white belt now with three notches. (That means I've had three classes.) It's really cool. The philosophy lesson was on reliability. Hmmm. Something to think about. I think I'm reliable, but can always do better. On Saturday, we had twelve people make leaf t-shirts. Thank you, Patrice!Afterwards, Steve and I visited Mom and Dad and Anne and helped with house painting. My brother-in-law, Drfi, was away visiting friends in Michigan. It's a good thing too,because I think there would have been a serious painting fight! (We were really awful with whipped cream one year at a holiday dinner.)I didn't wear too much primer... Steve and I also went to a party on Saturday night. It was a great time. I drove Kumi because Steve was tipping just a bit. It was the second time I ever drove Kumi, but she behaved very well for me... (For those of you who do not know, Kumi is Steve's 2005 Gray-Green Toyota Prius. Greenie is my 2002 Clover Green Honda Civic.) On Sunday, I had cawfee tawk with a girlfriend (Thanks Dawn, for treating! My turn next time.) then took Greenie to the carwash...she smells like vanilla now. There's something wrong when one's vehicle is getting more grooming and maintenance this month then the human driving her. With the insurance,new registration,license plate renewal,interior/exterior bath, and oil change this week,Greenie should either a)be going to a car show (like a cat or dog show) or b)getting married. (Perhaps I did inhale some of the paint fumes this weekend.) Anyway, the sport is back this fall! (You're thinking football, right?) Nope. Wrong answer. The sport I'm referring to is deer dodging. When your library is close to a state park (Potato Creek) and it's mating season, there are many amorous deer traipsing among the wood and hilly road. So far (knock on wood) I've managed to dodge several of Bambi's cousins. I hope you are safe, too! Have a great week!


usuallyemily said…
hey! i am so glad you have a prius. that is great news! is it really cool? i got excited once because i thought someone at work was going to buy my gas guzzler and i was looking into the prius. what kind of leaf shirts did you make? love, me
Lori said…
Hi Em!

We painted real leaves and pressed them on the shirts. On one side the leaf looks fuzzy and on the other it looks more vein-like. It was fun!

And yes, Kumi is wonderful. 46-48 miles to the gallon. Steve loves driving her around!

Love, lolo

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