Tales From the Snout--My Gauze is Finally Out!

Hello there, I am slowly but surely feeling better. The bronchitis is almost gone, and my sinuses feel strangely hollow and clear. It's like an echo in my face. Very strange. I can actually breathe out of my nose. Yay! Before you read this, please make sure your stomach is not too queasy... some of the details may be a little gruesome. You have been warned! ;P I had my post-op visit yesterday. No one warned me that this intimate snout picking with a stranger session would hurt worse than the iv injected in my arm! The nurse practitioner (np) was so very kind... She squirted something anesthetic up both of my nostrils to numb them (HA!). Then she had to open my nose with pliers and stick a metal rod in there to see what delights were hidden inside! She caught a nose hair (OUCH!) (Snout Tip: Be sure to groom all snout hairs carefully before intimate snout picking session.) Then the excruciating part happens. (Enter scary movie music.) She takes another rod and has to take the gauze out. (The gauze is a sticky gel). I screamed like a banshee as the np pulls out this massive clump of gel out of my left nostril. Congratulations! I have just given birth to the world's largest booger! (I am registered at the nearest pharmacy if you want to buy me Kleenex for my newest arrival.) Thank goodness the gauze in my right sinus cavity is gone. (Don't ask me where it went... I'm glad I didn't have to deliver twins.) All in all, this whole surgery business went really smoothly. I would have gone through it again. And I will be released on medical leave and ready to return to civilization on Monday with a clear head and clean nostrils. (It's about time-I have the daytime television schedule memorized.) More Later! Love, Lolo xoxo


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