Thanksgiving and 20th Blog Posting!

Hello there, Happy Thanksgiving weekend and happy bloggy anniversary! This is my 20th post! I can't believe it. It's been so much fun and thank you for visiting, reading, and/or responding to my blog. Having an audience inspires me to write more often and to share my life experiences. (Some are probably more TMI-too much information-than others, but it makes it real and hopefully amusing for you.) I also try to be a better writer because you take the time to read my posts. :) I've had a great weekend so far. My jeans are only barely bursting. One time... in high school...a pair of jeans actually split while I was visiting a friend...remember, Janna? So awful then, so funny now reflecting on it...and it least it wasn't during band camp...which I did suffer through, but that's another blog. Actually, that could be a book. Back to the subject at hand... food. Steve and I had a great Thanksgiving. So quiet and relaxing... we travelled to Mom and Dad's for a Martha-esque traditional dinner. I'm still chowing down on leftovers. I missed my sister and brother-in-law, but they were in Chicago and the roads were terrible. So I'm glad they stayed put and safe. My in-laws were under the weather and I missed them, too... but I am thankful Dad did not share his cold with us. Steve and I worked on Black Friday (I guess retail is ok this year)and Saturday I went to taekwondo and took it easy (I was tired). Then Steve and I went to friends' house and ate and engaged in electronic gaming. Tomorrow I have lunch with a friend and then work at another library. My next day to relax is on Wednesday! More later! Love, Lolo xoxo


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