Weekend Musings
Hello there,
It was a great weekend. Friday I had lunch with a friend from work and then ran a lot of errands. Very productive! I then fell asleep on the couch for two hours. Then I finished writing an essay for ByLine Magazine for the department of First $ale. My writer friend Cynth'ya is editing it for me.
Will send out after I am released from medical leave (on Monday). I hope the editor will accept it.
On Saturday Steve and I attended a birthday party for my dear friend's twins. It was so much fun! Unfortunately, I was so very tired (from healing snout). Took a two-hour nap. Steve woke me up and then we saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was wonderful! My only concern was the number of small children that were at the theatre with us that night. Oh my gosh, it is a PG-13 movie! People die in this movie! It's definitely an older tween/teen movie.
Sunday I went to TaeKwonDo to visit the Sponsellers. It was great to see them! I purchased the manual and DVD set. I think it will help me practice my moves better.
I will resume Hi-YA-ing on Wednesday.
I also went out in the yard for a couple of hours to rake a bit and put away yard ornaments and wood trellises for the season. It was nice to take care of that, since my poor yard has been neglected so much this year. Next year, gardening will be so much fun since I will have a head start!
After chatting on the phone with Mom and then with a friend, Steve and I also rented Kinseyand had a restful afternoon/evening. In my opinion, Dr. Kinsey was a bit on the kinky side, but his research was interesting. The movie was good- I liked how the relationship evolved between Dr. and Mrs. Kinsey. I recommend this movie.
More later... need to gear up and get ready for library today! I'm off to see the wizard! Wish me luck!
Love, Lolo