Operation Hair Chop Parts One and Two
Hello there,
Right now as I am blogging, I have a woven braid stuffed inside a manilla envelope ready to mail to Locks of Love, a non-profit organization devoted to making wigs for children who suffer from hair loss. Not only is donating my hair a fun and meaningful thing to do, but the damaged long hair represents the stresses I have experienced in the past year. Here's the highlights (pardon the pun) of Operation Hair:
Operation Hair Chop Part #1: Cut at Sandy's.
My hairdresser made sure I was ready to do this and made me promise I would not cry if she cut it. I was so ready for a change. I did get the lecture somewhat like going to the dentist and getting the lecture of not flossing one's teeth enough. I was not taking care of my hair as I should have been. True. There was too much to handle. Too many snarls, too many drain clogs (ugh), too much money spent on conditioner just to get a comb through it! And there's more to living than my stupid hair. I just wanted to be done with it.
Snip snip snip. Done. My head feels like it is going to float off of my shoulders. What a weight off my neck! So light and free! I'm free! I have a long chin-length bob that is parted on the side... no bangs. I can't do bangs very well.
I come clean and tell my hairdresser that I wanted her to cut my hair but I am going to get my hair colored somewhere else tomorrow. She took it very well. (My mother, President and co-founder of the Hair Squad, advised me to go. I thought doing the cut at one place and the color at another would be a good compromise.)
I visited my friends after the salon and they loved my hair. It was a nice affirmation. I am waiting for Steve to arrive home. Hopefully he will like the style. (He's under the assumption that I am going to shave my head or something.)
Operation Hair Chop Part #2: Color
This will be continued after I have my hair colored tomorrow before work. It will
be interesting. What color do you think I will have?