August Posting and Cubbies Game
Happy August!
I've been scratching my legs from mosquito bites and have bandaids on my hands from blisters from raking the yard... happy August! The yard can be a dangerous place! I visited a friend recently and she inspires me so much with her artistic talents. Who knew zinnias (annuals) could make such a gorgeous display in the back yard? And the patio work they did was amazing!
Life is like a garden...always a work in progress. Hmm, I may sneak over to get more ideas again next year... there's still hope for me for a nice autumn garden.
The six of us visited the cubbies in Wrigley Field. It was kewl. I felt like a Brady girl sans two with our matching cubbie hats and t-shirts. We gawked at the bleacher bums (rowdy sports types who heckle the outfielders) and sang during the 7th inning stretch. My mother and husband also rescued me from the drunken frat fans beside me.
Later, we ate pizza and walked home. The view from the 19th floor at the Astor place was so kewl.
More Later!
Love, Lolo