December Cooties, Raisin Episode, and Scorch Strikes Again
Happy December!
Geezer alert... another sinus story... wash your hands and don't pick your nose...luckily this story is NOT contagious.
It's already December 7. Still working on those Christmas cards.
Steve and I are sharing December cooties. Sinusitis (what else? it's my signature ailment. At least it's not head lice).
I finally dragged us both to aftercare and saw the doctor together. (Aw... you say...) He gave us the same scripts, same dosage. Isn't that nice!
The doctor said one of us has a worse case then the other. I asked him, "Who has the worst case?" (nyah nyah nyah--I'm more mature). Steve replied, "It's not a contest." (The kindly doctor never answered my question. Darn.)
Well, I thought I'd be the nice wife and pack us both lunches for the next day.
I open the cabinet to scavenge for a nice treat for us. Okay. Peanut butter for Steve, soynut for me, and RAISINS. Lots of them from the big red box.
I pack us both a huge helping of raisins---something healthy to munch on---forgetting that, um, there are natural effects of raisins. (Think of prunes and you get the picture.)
Well, I was feeling crummy on Thursday from the infection, the medicine, and yup, nature's little helper... the damn dirty raisins.
Poor Steve was afflicted too. So Scorch struck again. Oops. Next time I'll pack the cheese.