Premiere Pretty Panty Party of 2007
How's that for a new year's alliteration title? I hosted a fun candle party tonight. Thanks to hubby for being the kitchen fairy (the house fairy is more appropriate, as he did a superb job with fake house). And thanks to Toots for her culinary duties. She kicked me out of my kitchen! Just like at her house. Oh, well--it's for everyone's benefit.
It was great to see the Candle Goddess, as she handled my smarty-pants antics with ease. The topic of tonight's conversation was very interesting. It would be every man's nightmare topic of conversation... you're thinking makeup? Nooooo. Hair products? Noooo, but getting closer, Feminine products? Noooo. It can all be summed up in one word: vasectomy. Nothing like details of this procedure to chill as much as the shaving required for pre-op.
Snip snip.
Have a good evening!
Love, Lolo