Mighty Ducts and Cafepress

Dear Friends,
Please, if you haven't already, get your air ducts cleaned. We just had ours cleaned today and it was really bad. We have an old house and the previous owners did not clean them either.
Hopefully it will help Jack the cat and I with our asthma. (I've been sick off and on all month.)
If you refer Mighty Ducts to someone else and you fill out a form, they will send you a $20.00 check. I am trying to obtain my doctor's home address so they will send him a check.
Thank you Dr. Q!
Also, I have been stir-crazy lying around getting better, so I ventured online and started an online shop called www.cafepress.com/marimbaandice. JavaCat, the starlet on your left, is one of the featured kitties adorning products in my shop.
Take care and think spring!
Love, Lolo


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