Camera Lessons, Spring Musings and Sleepy Saturday
Hello, there!
I had another digital camera lesson with my fabulous husband. He taught me how to download pictures from the camera to the computer. That's why I can post fun photographs for all to see!
At the top of the page you will see Latte and I in the living room.
The daffodils are blooming and the grass is greening nicely. The birds are chirping and that makes the kitties happy. It's time to set up the wildflower garden, but first I need to whitewash the fence. It has seen better years!
Last night our friends had a gift certificate to use and invited us to Rum Runners, which is a rowdy night of dueling pianos, entertainment, and fun! There was also a guitar player and drums. It was a treat. I wanted to jump behind the drums and start playing, but decided against it. Must start practicing more! We came home at 11:30p.m. Thank you, friends!
I practiced taekwondo this morning and so proud that I had the gusto to drag my weary self out of the sack and into the zone of hi-ya and gii-upp!
I had another sleep marathon--four hours. Husband finally woke me up to make sure I was still breathing. He had all the windows open for "fresh air". I asked, do my feet stink that bad? Or is it my breath? He started laughing. No, he just wanted fresh spring air. Okay. He tends to tease me when I am groggy, when my sugar is usually low and I say off-the -wall things.
For example, I was microwaving macaroni and cheese today and told him that real time was going backwards on the microwave. (Well, it kind of is because the numbers are lowering.) Please, lock up the kitchen when I am half-awake!
Anyhow, have a great week!
Love, Lolo