Happy Saturday


I have a three-day weekend. Yippee! I haven't had three days off in a row for awhile. I went to taekwondo last night. It was great and tiring. Surprisingly, I did not wake up feeling run over by a huge truck. We'll see what happens today.

I will probably do some li-bary stuff so I am not swamped next week, but won't do too much. I will do some housework, some writing on Greenie book. Steve and I visited Border's last night (can't get enough of books) and tried to purchase The Secret by Rhonda Burnes(sp?). After seeing the #1 Best Seller spot empty, we checked at the service desk and no, it wasn't there. Hmmm. Will have to wait it out.

I perused the local history section and started looking through the publishers. I may market this book with a local history slant. I think that would be a good thing.
Now just plug away and keep writing. Yup. This book will be finished someday soon.

Meanwhile, enjoy the foto of our tree in the backyard. It blooms in the springtime. Think Spring!

Love, Lolo


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