Happy Weekend, Expresso, and Blades of Glory

I cannot believe it is almost April 15 and it feels like we have travelled backwards in weather time! It's like March lion madness or something. Let's see what's going on since the last time I posted. You may not have read this, but my husband took Expresso to the Humane Society last week. I'm so glad he did. It was hard on us since we became attached, but we are not in the position to handle a house full of kittens. Since it was bitter cold on Wednesday, he took her in just in time. She is safe and it was confirmed that she was with kittens.
My husband had a birthday last week, I took a djembe lesson, attended two taekwondo lessons, and we watched a hilarious movie tonight. It's called Blades of Glory with Will Ferrell and John Heder. It's about ice skating. And since my sister and I both took ice skating lessons as kids, it was even funnier. Like why would Will Ferrell be running on concrete with his skates on? That's horrible on ice blades! (You'll have to see the movie to find out).
I wish you all a happy week!
Love, Lolo