Happy Friday

I survived the first week back from vacation. I enjoyed a smooth week, actually, thanks to my wonderful staff. They re-arranged my office so I couldn't get in the normal door. They placed puppets all over my desk. The kicker was the wrapped present... when I opened it, I received junk mail inside. Nice. I'll try that on someone for a gag.

I purchased a pedometer at a local CVS pharmacy. Since I consumed all this fantastic cuisine on our vacation, I'm trying to work it off. So, my goal is 10,000 steps + a day. So far, so good--except when I leave the damn thing on the coffee table at home instead of placing it on my belt.

I also read The Best Life Diet by Bob Greene. In fact, I purchased the book. Poor Steve cringed as I marked sentences with my pencil in the book. Hey, it's not a 1st edition antique or anything! I'm in Step One: weighing myself once, then hiding the scale for 4 weeks. Increase my exercise and stop eating two hours before bedtime. I'll find out how my efforts are working on September 1. Anyway, stay cool and enjoy a great weekend! Love, Lolo xoxo

P.S. Steve, I liked your blog postings.
