What I Have Learned Along with the Privilege of Aging is the Ongoing Pain of Loss
Fifteen years ago was the coldest day of my life. After a grueling thirteen month battle with cancer, you left this earth plane and took a chunk of my heart with you. The scraggly remains of it have since healed and are still beating loud, like the vintage Ludwig snare drum I used to play.
It's been a tough tough path to navigate, but I'm in a better place mentally and spiritually than ever, and that's imperative, because what I have learned along with the privilege with aging is the ongoing pain of loss. Life is not getting easier.
So, I arm myself with meditation and prayer to accept the storms, like the snowstorm that emerged in observance of the anniversary of your passing. Acceptance is the only way I continue to muster the courage to keep moving forward to fulfill my life's purpose on this rock, and I will exhale at the next sign of a reprieve.