Writer's Block and Shopping for Vacuum Belts on a Sunny September Monday

After several attempts to write something, I resorted to pen and paper to write the first drafts of this post. Writer's block is so much fun (said no one ever).  Since my mind's been scrambled today, I skipped the plethora of journals I have and grabbed a sheet of unlined white paper and started writing. It's messy and scribbly, but that's the point, right? Just get the mind clutter out of the noggin and start writing something down. Then, the good stuff eventually comes along. 

This morning, I had to venture out of the writing cave and run errands. It helps to drive so creative ideas come up uninterrupted. I picked up a beginning jewelry making kit in hopes to create something meaningful with all the pretty stones I found this summer. If it's a bust, I can use the materials to add to the art that I create. No harm no foul. 

I also had to go belt shopping today and not for the fun ones worn around the waist. So, I stopped by a vacuum cleaner store this morning to pick up new belts. The place is called GNC Vacs in South Bend, IN.  I told Glen, who worked there, that I was picking up vacuum cleaner belts and living the dream. He made a few jokes and we both laughed. I wonder if it's the right time to belt out a pun. ;) 

Mondays really need to lighten up. It's a good reminder that lightness and inspiration can be found in even the most mundane errands on the most tiring of days. An added bonus is finding a new place to go if we need anything for our trusty old sweeper. 


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