Food, Goodreads, and Mist

I hope you enjoyed a lovely weekend. On Friday I spent the afternoon with Mom while Dad went on honey-do errands. It was nice to just hang out, watch soaps, watch Dr. Phil chew out people, and eat yummy lasagna a friend delivered to the house.
Saturday I played library. It was a fun day. Saturday night we dined with friends at a tasty Korean restaurant. It is locally owned and operated. I love dining at local restaurants. So charming and fun. My friends rock. I love them. I checked Goodreads and it is so much fun! It's like an intellectual Myspace for readers.
My friend Yvette actually sent the link to me. If you want to be my reading friend, send me an email...I'll add you to my list. People share books and review them. It is your own personal reader's advisory website!
Sunday morning I attended church with a friend (his girlfriend was singing). It was an interesting church. The minister and many people wore jeans. I liked that... as long as people come to church, be comfortable. (Suffering is optional). He quotes James 4:14 as Words to Live By: "You are mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
He then delivered a message to the audience that really touched me. Live every day. They interviewed an ALS patient on the movie screen and asked him what was important in life.
Family and friends. Not money, not the promotion, not the next material item.