Christmas Ducks
I hope you enjoyed your holidays. We appreciated our time together. We celebrated Dad's birthday yesterday at noon. We relaxed in the afternoon, dined, and opened presents. Usually the stretch of time between Dad's birthday and Christmas seems lengthy because of the gift exchange, but this year it flew. Every moment is precious.
Christmas Day we spent the morning and noon at my in-laws house. They always have a great cheese spread out for us. After we exhanged presents, we left for the IU campus and visited the ducks.
Around 100 ducks greeted us in the parking lot near the river bank. We fed them corn. Did you know that it is dangerous to feed ducks white bread? The bread can expand in their throats and choke. (The source is from an owner of a wildlife store.) We spotted a runner and a rambunctious black lab who wanted to play with the ducks, but they wouldn't hear of it. You could even feel the wind from the wings as they flew back into the river. And the black lab dove into the water and emerged out so happy. We can all take lessons from a black lab--seize the moment and dive in.
Then we left and met up at my parents house for a quiet, restful evening.
At home,I look at the Christmas cards on top of the hutch and read my email and realize how fortunate and lucky Steve and I are to have positive friends and family in our lives. Yes, there are those who will disappoint us, but keeping an open heart and mind and focusing on the ones that love us the most will help us through any challenges that lie ahead.
My physician gave me great advice:Every day,cry,laugh,and hug. A lot.
Lolo the Grasshopper