Happy December and Hot Tea

(image courtesy of creeksidegardensandgifts.com)
It's just noon and I woke up about fifteen minutes ago. It's been a busy week/weekend. On Friday, I ran errands and took Greenie to the car hospital, then visited my parents and Auntie and Gronk (Gary) from South Carolina. They are so wonderful. I missed them!
Friday night my friend picked me up and we visited another friend's house for our monthly Feminist Film Night. (I call it Feminist Food Night, because we don't always watch films but we ALWAYS eat.) It's a fun, inclusive group of women who visit each other's homes and hang out. They are easy-going and a lot of fun. I am so glad I found these beautiful people!
Saturday, I dragged myself out of bed and played library. It was a challenging but a good day, even though I shovelled snow and white-knuckled it on the ice home. Then Steve and I drove out to Grangerland to see my sister and brother-in-law, Auntie and Gronk, and Mom and Dad. My sister greeted me with a glass of red wine. Mmmm, after a long, icy day it was yummy.(I sampled Steve's vino because he was driving. He opted for Cranberry juice.) She also made smoked salmon, mashed potatoes, and this wonderful yummy avocado dish with other ingredients (must get the recipe). My sis inherited the cooking genes in our family.
Anyway, Steve and I returned home around 11:30p.m. last night and crashed. And now I am here sipping hot green ginseng honey tea in my green rain forest cafe mug and writing.
Have a good week.
Love, Lolo