Toenail Polish, Geek Chics, and Taekwondo

It's been a busy Friday. I was tired of having tacky toes for taekwondo class, so I made an appointment to have my nails polished. The salon didn't have my Vampire State Building flavor, but they did have a sultry berry color. So I obliged. It was lovely, with the vibrating massage chair and the foot bubble bath. And the technician was kind to my tender little toes.
There was one logistical problem: I couldn't wear my boots for an hour and a half after they were polished.(They give you flimsy paper slippers.) So with gauze between each toe and with paper slippers, I managed to carefully hobble out to the car in the middle of winter with exposed toes. (But it was a nice day for February.) It must've looked silly to have my hat, coat, scarf, and gloves on with my jeans rolled up and my bare feet exposed in paper slippers.
And I realized I had to run an errand. I needed to pick up my new glasses and contact lenses! Will they kick me out if I come in with my bare feet exposed in paper slippers? So I gently hobble in the door and the eye tech (and my friend) started laughing at me, especially after I told her the story. And my glasses are tres geek chic! I love them, although still not comfortable in glasses after all these years. Those formative years with the coke bottle glasses were traumatic. Thank goodness for contact lenses. I also attended taekwondo. Poor Steve was scared when I came home carrying his wooden sword (I have to know a sword routine to promote to red belt.) He would not hug me until I put it down. Poor Steve. I then saw my folks. Now I'm home, relaxing, and blogging.
Love, Lolo
Wear them proudly!