Adventures in Minneapolis: Thursday

This is my first day on my own. I manage to trot to the convention center without getting too lost. Clear skies and crisp, but beautiful. A vendor from the exhibits offered me a cab with him, but I kindly refused. (Steve will be surprised to read about the odd things that happened while I was in Minnesota. I didn't want him to worry).
I attend fun sessions on librarianship...Technozoo (a program on fun new gadgets and technology)and Reader's Advisory. I also visit the exhibits and pick up a lot of free books.
I met Ing back in the room. We then walked to Murray's, where the librarians gather for cocktails (I enjoyed a rum and diet coke) and enjoy a lovely dinner on the town. I had pasta, which I took home that night and put in our fridge in the suite! We took a taxi home since it is a late night.