Adventures in Minneapolis: Tuesday, March 25

(Madison, Wisconsin.Photograph courtesy of
I would have posted sooner but am looking for my long lost digital camera! I hope it is found because of the wonderful memories the camera captured on my trip. (It also has sentimental value because it was my graduation present from SLIS). Meanwhile, I'll find other photos to accompany the text.
Tuesday, March 25
We left the parking lot at around 8:30a.m. It was cold but sunny and windy. Four brave travelers entered the van and drove off to Minneapolis, Minnesota. The only difficulty with the travels was in the Michigan City. There's always snow and sleet because of the Lake.
We drove through the Chi-town(Chicago)skyway, past the IKEA store, and on to Wisconsin. We stopped in Madison, Wisconsin at a wonderful place called Noodles. The building is two stories in downtown Madison. We shared the some of the salads and Japanese noodles. Mmm. Madison is a neat city, very clean with recycle bins everywhere. There's the capital on one side and the University on the other.
Three of us visited the Madison Public Library and looked at the set-up. Very interesting. The librarians were friendly (one had a neat tattoo on her arm).It had a laid-back feel and did not notice any security.
Out of Madison and on the road again.Two deer sightings on the field to our left.
On the outskirts of Wisconsin we stopped at a gas station and there was a plastic deer (red) and a mouse with cheese.
Finally, we ended up in Minnesota and the last stretch seemed to last forever! Hills and woods surrounded the highways. Then, we passed through St. Paul and found his twin, Minneapolis.