Adventures in Minneapolis: Tuesday Night

(Image courtesy of
We circled around downtown Minneapolis to find the hotels. (Four people roomed in three different hotels). My roommate,who will be only known as Ing and I hauled our many suitcases through the back way of the Embassy Suites where the parking garage was located. (At this point we did not have our bearings and did not know where to find the front entrance). Suddenly, a large car came racing up out of the garage and startled, we jumped on the small island in-between. Eventually, after asking the kindly staff in the glass cubes in the parking garage, we found our way indoors and into...
a beautiful suite. It was like an apartment with a lovely view of the city. We had a living room, a kitchen table, a bar, a bathroom, and a bedroom. Each room had a television. We hardly watched tv, I mostly read or slept.
After checking in and dropping off our luggage, we asked the kindly staff at the desk where was a good place to eat. He recommended a place called Dan Kelly's. So we trotted off to Dan Kelly's and sat in a lovely booth with great service when we encountered our first local cat from Minneapolis. He staggered to our table and introduced himself to us as Tony (later to be renamed Cocaine Tony) and asked if he could sit with us. We politely declined. Thankfully he left.
We finished our meal and headed back to our hotel. We meet up with Tony,who staggers beside us and proceeds to slur that he was drinking and doing cocaine. Nice. I am thinking of an exit plan(where to run) and going through blocking and self-defense moves while Ing kindly and calmy talks to him. Finally, we cross the avenue and to our suite, leaving Cocaine Tony to stagger home. Needless to say, it was an interesting first night!