Flowers, Hairapy, Taming the Caterpillars, and Stumbling Around in Scorch's (or rather Steve's) Kitchen
Happy May! Some cool things are happening lately. It's one of my friend's birthday today.
Happy Birthday, E! Tomorrow is my sister and brother-in-law's 5 year wedding anniversary. Happy Happy Anniversary from your favorite Blogarazza! Another cool thing, another friend just finished his finals from law school. Congrats, Franzerl! And a really cool thing--next week I'll be going to Las Vegas! (Rest assured, you'll hear all about it--well, at least the edited version. ;))
I can't believe how beautiful the flowers and trees are this year. So pretty. I think we will adorn our backyard with bushes and flowering trees. It will make gardening so much easier. It's still a little windy and cool for me to really dig in the yard yet. (I'm a fair-weather gardener.)
In preparation for the big Vegas adventure next week, I had my hair colored today (same color and it's growing out a little more.) And, I went out on a limb and had my brows (aka caterpillars but they're so little) waxed for the first time. I should have had them waxed first before I had my hair done. I was completely awake after the procedure! (It's like putting a band aid over a wound and then having it taken off quickly. It stings like that.) But it really makes my eyes stand out.
Tonight a friend came over and she (like most of my friends and family) took over the kitchen and reheated pizza and cooked yummy veggies with spices. Steve showed me the fire extinguisher before he left. (Hrumph.) I was shy that I couldn't find the strainer right away, but I found it after awhile. It is Steve's kitchen. We then hung out on my porch and listened to 80's music. It was a perfect girl's night in.
More Later. Have a great evening!