Jack the Cat and Chicagoland
This is like a Friday night for us. Tomorrow we are headed for Chi-town to see my sister and brother-in-law! Woo-hoo! Today poor Jack the cat used up another one of his lives. Steve took him to see his favorite v-e-t.They gave him another round of tests: x-rays, bloodwork, and two shots. Two hours later Steve told me he was hissing at the other animals in the clinic waiting room. Jack had enough for one afternoon. Have you ever heard of breathing treatments for cats? Jack is an asthmatic, so in addition to the occasional injection at the v-e-t, we need to give him medication and breathing treatments. There is a website we need to check out: http://www.fritzthebrave.com/. Poor kitty. I am happy to report Jack is resting comfortably on the cushions in the living room.
More Later!