Vegas Adventures: Part Three
I slept in while Mom and sis foraged for coffee, diet coke, and bagels. When I finally woke up, I looked out the window and admired the spectacular view, and got dressed for the day. The bathroom here is magnificent! It's as large as my bedroom at home. The bathroom is adorned in shades of brown, with tile, with a deep tub on one side, and shower on the other. There are two sinks in the bathroom as well, so two people can get ready at once.
After the girls returned, we dressed and ate breakfast at the Cafe Bellagio (this is turning into our favorite eating place). Tip: If you sign up for the Players Club, you get to use the left line which has a significantly shorter wait than the right one.
After breakfast, we headed downstairs to the casino. I wanted to get a pedicure for two reasons: one, because I didn't have a chance to do them before we left, and two, so I could be sure to bring something tangible home! I made an appointment with Kim at 10:00 a.m., and it was wonderful! I enjoyed a tasty latte while waiting, and then had my hooves pampered and toes painted red. Actually, it was called Keys to My Karma. I love Opi nail polish. Their marketing department is great. The names for the polish are so catchy. It was also neat to meet Kim. She is an artist, and was interested in library science. I told her about art librarians. Halfway through my pedicure, Mom enters the spa and rummages through my purse. I accidentally took both of our cell phones with me today. (They are both Pink Centennial phones). Oops.
After my hooves were groomed, we needed fresh air so the three of us trolled outside. It was 90 degrees of desert heat. We traipsed to the new mall across the street in search of new sandals. We looked all over. Too pricy, too narrow, too high (I can't do stillettos),this Cinderella was looking for dreamy sandals to wear to the show! Anyhow, this new mall was kind of lame, so we visited Caesar's Palace where the sky changes, although the show was under construction. (LV had a lot of construction this time around.) We then trotted back to the Bellagio, visited the casino, had a light snack, and then visited Noodles, an Asian place. We tucked into bed around 10p.m. It was an early evening.