Stuffing Pink Crayons in Pencil Sharpeners and Tae Kwon Bra

It wasn't a misspelling. I said tae kwon bra. I need to invent one. A tae kwon bra that will withstand cardio, drills, falls, forms, and defense techniques without danger of having an apparatus malfunction and possibly an injury. Or worse yet, maybe they'll spontaneously spring out of my gui and start doing round kicks on their own. Showoffs. For one hour I would love to tuck the girls neatly away into one of the lockers and be able to jog in place more quickly and jump with ease, especially while working out with guys. Afterwards, I could retrieve them and be on my merry way. (I do have better apparatus but it's designed for jogging.) Bra-tracking to Backtracking to playing library today... It was a gorgeous day outside. Blue skies and low humidity. Inside, it was odd. I discovered a not so nice note in the suggestion box (rhymes with switch and probably designed for me--I had to play security before the officer arrived) and scraps of paper shoved inside a disk drive. The topper was when it was brought to my attention that someone had used the pencil sharpener. With a crayon. A pink crayon. Crammed halfway inside the sharpener. Nice. I left a note for my custodian to take a peek at the pink and see if he can fix it. Now the dilemma is, should I leave an Out-of-Order sign on the pencil sharpener?


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