Adventures in Libraryland: Evil Voodoo Curse of Rudy's Head

(Rudy Before He Lost his Head, LCS/2008)
Ever since Rudy the Mannequin's accidental beheading, I have been placed under a curse. This reminds me of the Brady Bunch episode entitled "Pass the Tabu" where Jan picks up an artifact and thus curses the Brady family until it is returned to the ancient caves. Well, Rudy's head is resting peacefully in some one's backyard, so what the heck? Are there any ancient caves in northern Indiana to return Rudy's head? And Rudy was found at a thrift store. Would they want him there? In pieces?
On Wednesday, like any other professional, I pick up the phone and try to dial out. All I get is a clicking sound. Click, click, click, click. I check all the zillions of plugs behind the desk to trace back to the phone, plug in and plug out. Check to make sure all lines are tight. So I call IT. I do it all over again and it still doesn't work. The IT professional will come out tomorrow and check it. (Glad I wore pants on Wednesday.)Earlier, we had to move an entire wall of books for construction. The library is getting torn apart. Lula the Whale has died and the ship and shell are being shipped out to sea on Thursday. On Thursday, I arrive at libraryland and my phone is gone. It is broken. They will send me a new one. (Dum Dum DUMMMM). Late Thursday night, I receive an IM. A musical performer cancels on me for a huge program coming up (RetroFest). On Friday, another musical performer cancels on me for a huge program coming up. I am peeved. I do find one group with assistance from wonderful staff, but all the publicity is out. And it's now incorrect. Hopefully, Rudy will lift his evil voodoo curse from his head and let me have a normal week. Meanwhile, we're getting out of town tomorrow!


Anonymous said…
It was Bobby that found the tabu, not Jan.

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