Adventures With Greenie: Finding Sunshine in Bremenwood
A dear friend sent me an email about a local newspaper article on sunflowers in the country. Since I have absolutely no sense of direction, I print out my mapquest directions and Greenie (my 2002 Honda Civic) and I head for the south. The sunflowers, like me, are hot, tired, and feeling a little droopy. I knock on the farmer's door to the white house to see if I can take some sunflower photos close up and in the field. Since no one answered the knock, I put my hazard lights on, park on the side of the road, and start snapping photographs.
Afterwards, I attempt to find my friend's house for an afternoon swim and talk. She is one of my closest friends, and I love her and her husband so much. They are extended family and I am so grateful to have them in my life.
I get lost, then after several cell phone calls, I find my bearings and find Bremenwood,which is a little slice of heaven. It is out in the country.
When a person is feeling discouraged, there is nothing like a 65-pound black lab who pounces on you when you open the car door and greets you with a wagging tail and doggie kisses (a relative refers to this as puppy breath). It was love. Hildy, Hildy, I love you! So Hildy attacks me with ultimate dog love, and then she waits outside Greenie, wagging her tail.
Since it is hot and muggy, my friend and I swim in her pool, relax, and hang out for a long time.
She is the perfect hostess. She provides snacks, water, and the best company one could wish for.
Elsa the calico cat makes a brief appearance in the kitchen (and then chased away by Hildy, the laborador love beast.)
On the way home, I notice the sunset to the west. It is lovely.